Introducing Metasearch, the first software that brings together the journals of the left and the right. This software searches 17 journals, complete archives of the OpinionArchives collection. You may search by keywords, author, subject and/or publisher and will be presented a found set of records. Customers may click through to the detailed records, non-subscribers must subscribe to the archives before access is allowed to the detailed records. For American Spectator, Commonweal, The New Leader, The Progressive, The Weekly Standard, Moment, Washington Monthly, Orion and Dissent, users can browse by issue or author; or search by keyword, author and/or date range: Click here to search American Spectator, Commonweal, The Progressive, The Weekly Standard, Moment, Washington Monthly, Orion, The New Leader and Dissent: American Spectator - American Spectator had its origin in Indiana in 1972 where it began as The Alternative. By 1977 it became known as The American Spectator, with a conservative perspective as an alternative to the radicalism of the 60's. From Supreme Court appointee coverage of Clarence Thomas, to Clinton administration dalliances, the journal has always been willing to tackle controversy with a wit and edge not found in other journals. It is published out of Washington, D.C. and continues its leading conservative political ideology. Commonweal - The Commonweal (shortened to Commonweal in 1965) is the oldest independent Catholic journal of opinion in the United States . Founded in 1924 by Michael Williams, its goal was to be a weekly review expressive of the Catholic in covering literature, the arts, religion, society, and politics. Never bound by a strict ideology, Commonweal (the common) became a forum for thoughtful, urbane discussion, largely from a liberal, reformist point of view, and has had a distinguished roster of editors and writers. Dissent - Dissent, a quarterly magazine of politics and culture was founded in 1954 to dissent both from Stalinism and McCarthyism. Dissent is one of America's leading intellectual journals on the left. The New Leader - The New Leader, which began in 1924, is a journal of news analysis and opinion. It's liberal anti-communist magazine has attracted considerable attention by publishing articles from dissident writers and works circulating underground in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe . It first published Joseph Brodsky and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in the United The Progressive - Since 1909; is a monthly leftwing magazine of investigative reporting, political commentary, cultural coverage, activism, interviews, poetry, and humor. Additional information at: The Weekly Standard - Since 1995, conservative perspectives of politics, government, national security, foreign policy, books, arts and society. weeklystandardcom Moment - Since 1975, is the largest independent Jewish magazine in North America For more information on Moment: Washington Monthly - Since 1995, neoconservative perspectives written by contributor from leading think tanks in Washington, the most influential publication in America. For more information on Orion - Since 1982, an excellent resource for environmental justice, political leadership, and economic practices. Orion’s mission is to inform, inspire, and engage individuals and grassroots organizations in becoming a significant cultural force for healing nature and community. For more information on Orion: Copyright © 2003-2012. OpinionArchives. All rights reserved. |